Contrary to popular belief, a doctor explains how cold weather isn't to blame for an increase in sickness during the winter. Rather, it's what we do when it's cold!

Why why why does the winter turn our immune systems to mush?
We’re well into the winter and the common cold and winter flu is already spreading like the bubonic plague. In his post Dr. Marc Leavey explains how the cold weather isn’t what’s making us ill, rather, it’s what we do when temperatures plummet and we begin to hibernate at home.
When the temperatures drop, we tend to hang out inside. That could be in our home, in coffee shops, cinemas or the Shopping centre, which, as Leavey explains, is like sheep ready for the slaughter as far as germs are concerned.
“When you’re cooped up inside with a group of people who may have some kind of bug, and they proceed to cough, sneeze or even hand you a glass of wine, there’s nowhere for those germs to go except for into your system.”
Then, add the fact that closing the windows and turning up the heat recirculates those germs throughout your house.
Leavey goes on and discusses the holiday season often involves plenty of travel. He notes whilst trains and airplanes have that same close quarters affect, travel itself adds fuel to the fire.
“When you travel to a new location it’s likely that you’ll come in contact with germs that your immune system hasn’t been previously exposed to, which makes it even more likely that you’ll get sick.”
That’s because our immune system develops a level of resistance against germs we expose ourselves to.
Lastly, if your holiday travel is taking you to a gathering with friends and family, Leavey warns that handshakes and hugs are a common transmitter of germs.
“If someone coughs in their hand and you shake it, you stand a better chance of getting that bug.”
Some top tips to staying fit and healthy this winter:
Wash your hands regularly
Stay well hydrated
Eat healthy, nutritional food
Sleep plenty
Keep your home at 35 to 40% humidity
Stay well this winter
#bedifferent with Bryt